Thursday, October 18, 2012


Leslie Kern was our quest speaker and she talked about how internships can build up our resumes and how the we can gain experience in the field that we are studying for in the hopes of started a potential career. Also, she mentioned that sometimes students who have interned at a certain business they are more likely to be hired by them once they have finished their education. Another aspect that she mentioned was how we can use the experience we gain through the internship to decide if that is the field that we want to enter after graduation. Leslie Kern went on to say that even though this is a small sacrifice interns of time in the long term it will pay off.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Project Management

The most important aspects of project management include being on time and meeting deadlines, meeting the requirements that are setup, and not allowing for the project to be over budget.

Project management is crucial because it allows everyone in the group to have a clear idea about what is expected from them as they participate in the discussions. This also is a way to prioritize which aspects of the project are more important and should be more focuses on, such as topics that have more detail than others. Another part about project management is being in a team that is likely to work well with each other and are going to work together to get the project done in a timely fashion.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Lecture 09/27/2012

For the first activity I did not score well because I lack the ability to set goals and being able to prioritize activities for myself to accomplish a certain task. A possible way to correct this inability is to first set smaller goals that are designed to help me accomplish my larger goals. Such as creating a to-do list that contains an activity like reading a book, or obtain some information, that relates to the my career goals. This may include asking the faculty at CSUMB or reading various books.

Here is my new to-do list that I am going to attempt at following for the rest of the semester and hopefully stay on this schedule for the rest of my time at CSUMB

Today in class Kevin Cahill came in to introduce himself and talked brielfy about his accomplishments. He also gave information about the types of classes he teaches. Followed by how this will be his last year as a capstone advisor.

The next person to present today was Dr. YoungJoon Byun. He is the current ILP advisor for Software engineering. He talked about the projects he has worked on in the past, which include:
  • P2P communication over Ad-Hoc Networks
  • California Wireless Coverage and Bandwidth