Monday, September 17, 2012

Online Study Assignment

These are my studying skills and score interpretation from the website. Although it says that I am managing my time effectively, I realize that I will have to manage my time better in order to have a successful college experience while attending CSUMB.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lecture Date 09/13/2012

For this class period we had the opportunity to hear from two of the CSUMB’s faculty members about the classes they teach. He introduced himself to us and gave his presentation about the different projects that he has been involved, which is very informative about how muw knowledgeable he is on network and security. Also,Dr. Sathya Narayanan continued his presentation about what we can expect as students to do for our Individual Learning Plans. Then the next to give a presentation was Pat watson that gave a presentation for students that are majoring in Communication Design and showcased a few works that previous students and himself have worked in the past.

I found the Dr. Tao gave the some of the best information about how to raise your current GPA from a 2.0 to a 4.0. Which gives me hope as I want to raise my own GPA to give myself a better presence when I plan to look for a career in the technology industry.

Study Skills that I excel at:
  • I do not read out loud to myself
    • silently reading allows you to retain more information
    • as well as allowing you to read at a faster pace than you normally would if you were to read out loud
  • Outlining text books:
    • allows for the main points in the text to be more easliy remembered than if they were to be underlined or highlighted in a textbook
  • Study places:
    • by choosing an appropriate place to study one is more likely to remove themselves from a majority of distractions through their daily routines.

Study Skills I lack at:
  • Scheduling:
    • Being able to schedule your routine throughout the day is an important asset to have in both your educational and professional careers.
  • Getting the main idea:
    • understanding the main idea of any given text is essential to effective study strategies
  • Reviewing and revising notes
    • through the ability to review and revise lecture notes immediately after the lecture ends to better suit your needs while studying, any student is more likely to retainteh information better and be able to able the lessons later.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lecture Date 09/06/2012

In today's lecture we were to look through the different Individual Learning Plans (ILP) briefly to get an idea as to where they are located on the website. After spending some time getting to know where the ILP's were located, we began discussing about why it is important to have vision and to know why it is important to know the faculty. I listened to what was being said about vision from the other student and our professor. I started think about vision as being able to look at what you want in life and how that vision can have an impact on your life because it guides you to where you want to be.

Though only having a vision may not be enough for anyone to accomplish much in life if you are not using all the available resources around you. Knowing the faculty is a great resource to have, especially when they are very well informed in their respective fields. The faculty provides information when you may have questions or get stuck by a certain problem. Also, by knowing who they are you can have access to their experience and the knowledge that they are willing to share with you. In the hopes that you can take the lessons taught by the faculty and implement them in your professional careers.

Knowing people in the faculty such as Professor Bobbi Long, Visual Design professor, is a very good asset to have. She has a lot of experience in her field and is willing to teach us about the lessons she has learned through working at various places. In her presentation, I learned two very important lessons that day. the first and most blatantly obvious is to always have a back up no matter what because even though you may be certain that the file(s) are where they should be, there is a chance the data could be missing or corrupt. Thus, hampering your ability to accomplish your goals that you set for the day, such as not being able to have a presentation ready for a lecture.

After hearing someone other than myself changing their original educational goals to something else, I learned that you can change the direction you are going and be better for it sometimes. Professor Bobbi Long talked about how taking her previous experiences and using them to advance herself in the jobs that she went to. When Bobbi talked about how she went to study abroad and began to enjoy sketching various buildings in Europe. This enjoyment would later allow her to realize that she wanted to change her path from linguist to visual design. Even though her career goals changed she admits that her passion still resides in linguistics.

After spending some time looking through the different path ways that are available, I realized that not only was I about to start not knowing what I was doing. I also had no idea of which path to choose from. I had originally meant on finishing with a degree in Communication Design without really knowing what it was. Now that I am reading and taking the time to research it better, I am willing to change my major from CD o the CSIT program with a concentration in Software Engineering.

The portfolios that previous students were vast in numbers and equally vast in content. I enjoyed looking through both Ahmadullah Bassal and Amelia Weigant. Their portfolios were both informative and straight to the point. I also looked at a few of their projects such as Amelia Weigant's final project for her CST 363 course. The project is based around a scaled down version of database management system used in large theme parks. The contents of the project include reasons as to why it is important and gives a description of how the system can be implemented by theme park managers, staff, vendors and visitors. 

Ahmadullah Bassal's portfolio caught my attention with his power point presentation based on WiMax OPNET. The first half of the presentation describes what WiMax is and what features that are available with the technology. In other half of the power point, Ahmadullah Bassal gives details of how WiMax can be implemented.

Their portfolios provided information on both the course that can be expected to be taken by a student who is enrolled in an ITCD degree program and the knowledge that can be acquired from the courses.